"Life is just what happens to you, While you're busy making other plans."
- John Lennon – Beautiful Boy
Sunday, July 19, 2009
This pretty much explains it all...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Was Washington Experienced?
An article from the Columbus Dispatch caught my attention. Auto dealer joins U.S. Senate race.
More specifically this quote from Kevin DeWine. "With all due respect to Tom, I don't believe a seat in the United States Senate is an entry-level position, and I don't think it's something you can buy," DeWine said in an e-mail.
This is the thinking that is driving me away from both parties. The Ohio GOP has "endorsed" Rob Portman. Portman a former budget director and U.S. trade representative for former President George W. Bush, has been campaigning since January and has locked up the GOP establishment's support.
This is what we need? Another career politician to misrepresent us? As far as "buying" a senate seat, that is what Portman is doing. Buying it with cronyism and good ole boy politics. A successful businessman would be an entry level rookie? Seems to me that he would be following in the foot steps of some pretty highly esteemed rookies; Washington, Franklin, Payne, Madison, Jefferson et al.
I'm not saying that I will campaign for Ganley, but I am saying I will campaign against Kevin DeWine, Rob Portman and all the other Good Ole Boys.